It can be quite difficult and upsetting to see your puppy in pain whilst teething. Puppy teething is a normal part of a puppy's development, similar to human babies teething. During this stage, which typically occurs between 3 and 6 months of age, puppies start losing their baby teeth and their adult teeth start coming in. You’ll notice during the puppy teething stage that your pup is chewing and biting a lot more than usual (usually this will be your hand!) this is normal behaviour, and this is him expressing his discomfort.
Read on to discover how to help a teething puppy and we’ll share some helpful tips on ways to manage their discomfort.
1. Timescale:
A common question asked among dog owners is when do puppies lose their teeth? Teething usually begins when a puppy is around 3 to 4 months old and can last until they are 6 months old or even slightly longer.
2. Symptoms:
You may notice certain signs indicating that your puppy is teething. These can include increased chewing behavior, swollen or inflamed gums, drooling, whimpering, irritability, loss of appetite, and occasionally, a mild increase in body temperature
3. Chewing:
Puppies chew to relieve the discomfort caused by teething. It helps them alleviate the itching and pressure on their gums. Providing appropriate chew toys, such as specially designed teething toys or frozen washcloths/ fruit and vegetables, can give your puppy something safe to chew on and help soothe their sore gums. Be sure to avoid giving them anything that could be dangerous or damaging, like small objects or items that can splinter.
4. Dental care:
As your puppy's adult teeth grow in, it's essential to establish good dental hygiene habits. Start by gently introducing your puppy to some dental care products such as a dog breath freshener. This will help keep their new teeth clean and gums healthy. We sell a dog breath freshener called Woof Fresh, which is a dental water additive where you add it to their water bowl and it improves their breath and eliminates new plaque + tartar.
5. Behaviour Management:
Teething can make puppies more prone to chewing on inappropriate items, such as shoes or furniture. To prevent this, puppy-proof your home by keeping valuable or dangerous objects out of reach. Redirect their chewing behaviour to appropriate toys and reward them for chewing on those instead.
Specific puppy teething toys such as kong rings are very good products which I’ve noticed have helped my pup in the past. They are sturdy but soft at the same time for your pup to chew, we’d recommend putting them in the freezer for a couple of hours before giving them to your four legged friend.
Another common question I’ve seen float around is how to help a teething puppy sleep? They’re sleep would naturally be compromised as they would struggle to settle down due to their discomfort, which in turn, may make them become more needy. Something we suggest is to purchase a dog calming spray and spray in their place of rest 30 minutes before their due to go to sleep. The sedating and calming nature of the product may help to settle them down and help relax them. We sell a dog calming spray called Zen Dog, which is perfect for relaxing stressed dogs and promotes calming behaviour!
6. Patience and understanding:
Remember that teething can be uncomfortable for your puppy, so it's important to be patient and understanding during this phase. Provide lots of love, comfort, and positive reinforcement to help them through this stage.
If you have any concerns or notice excessive bleeding, severe swelling, refusal to eat, or any other worrisome symptoms, it's best to consult a veterinarian for professional advice and guidance.
Thank you for reading our article touching upon puppy teething and we hope you found some of the tips helpful. Let us know your experiences and how you dealt with it in the comments below!
Article written by Hayden Lloyd - Founder HWL Pet Supplies Limited